Personal Worship Tool #1 – Dialoguing
1. Write the date and focus passage at the top of your journal page.
2. Begin your time with prayer
a. Psalm 119:18 is a simple verse that I often use to start my time with God
3. Read the focus passage 2-3 times
a. A focus passage could come from a devotional book, a list of passages, a Bible reading plan, or you could just go through a book in the Bible (my favorite!), but the focus passage is always from the BIBLE (check out the Raw Bible post/article)
4. Write (or pray aloud) a response to God about what He is saying to you in this passage. (You might want to invest in a notebook or journal for this.) Be sure to date written journal entries for future reference.
a. Your response may include things such as:
i. Lord, I need to confess…
ii. God, help me with…
iii. Lord, I feel like you are telling me…
iv. God, I want to pray for…
v. God, I praise you for…I thank you for…
vi. Lord, what does this mean?
vii. Lord, I’m so convicted by…
b. Your response could also be about what God is saying to you in your roles as a daughter, student, sibling, in-law, friend, etc.
5. Close with prayer. Now is a great time to ask for the Holy Spirit to fill you and work in you. Remember to reflect on the cross & resurrection! You may feel conviction of sin during your personal worship, but your time should not end with feelings of condemnation. Jesus has paid for ALL your sin. Take your guilt to the cross and be renewed with hope! Psalm 34:5 says, “Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are NEVER covered with shame.”
6. The next morning, re-read or reflect on what you studied the day before, and then begin on another focus passage.
7. Check out my example on the pita pockets blog!